(Foto : Agata Nigrovskaya /Logo: Korinna Kostyukova)
DERO GOI kann eine auf überaus erfolgreiche und mehrere Dekaden umfassende Karriere zurückblicken und konnte gemeinsam mit seiner alten Band OOMPH! etliche Gold- und Platin-Awards sowie mit „Augen auf“ auch einen 1. Platz
in den Offiziellen Deutschen Single-Charts einheimsen.
Mit seinem am 29.11.2024 erscheinenden Solo-Debüt „1984“, besinnt sich DERO GOI auf seine elektronischen Wurzeln und das OOMPH!-Debüt aus dem Jahre 1992 und deckt die komplette Palette von Electro über Synth-Pop bis hin zur Electronic Body Music (EBM) der alten Schule ab. Ein Fest für Fans der ersten Stunde.

From today you can finally also pre-order my first solo album "1984", which will be released on November 29th, 2024!
Dero Goi - 1984 [Official Music Video]
"The title track of my debut album '1984' describes an Orwellian dystopia in which people have voluntarily agreed to their enslavement", the front man explains. "They no longer feel their chains and do not realise the state that they are in due to being totally numb as they have been swallowed up by the matrix and a constant flood of new chemical drugs. '1984' reflects the collective self-destructive madness that our somnambulistic and egocentric society is moving towards. The animated video nevertheless shows a way out of this dark labyrinth of deception and seduction. Musically, '1984' is quite solemn and melancholic, and crowned by a beautifully spherical refrain."
Dero Goi - Saturday [Official Music Video]
"I have written the song 'Saturday' as an ironic answer to all the hate and malice that were directed towards me after I had publicly confessed in Jesus Christ", the frontman writes. "I have also used original quotes from so called 'haters' on the internet for the lyrics. I was determined to answer with a clear statement of love to all that negativity, which is why I repeatedly reply by stating 'I still love you!' or 'I'll always love you!' to the slander. I found it also important to counter the vile energy of the 'haters' in a lively and cheerful manner. The video clip for this song is describing some kind of sham trial in which I stand as the precondemned accused. Yet as the story unfolds, the tide is turning. Take a look!"
Dero Goi - Whistleblower [Official Music Video]
"The lyrics of 'Whistleblower' and the theme of the the video are directly related to the title of the track", the frontman explains. "I was happily surprised and felt touched by the release of Julian Assange, who is named in the video as it was created before the investigative journalist regained his freedom after more than ten years. This does not change the fact that about a dozen other whistleblowers are still being persecuted or remain imprisoned for their brave acts. It is a shame that the current German administration remains silent about the case of Edward Snowden who has been a most important whistleblower of the last decade. In the face of the rise of authoritarian tendencies, our government could show how much they really care about freedom of opinion and public access to the truth as Snowden has more than once applied for asylum in Germany by now."

Dero Goi - RESURRECTED [Official Music Video]
The video deals with the fact that I had struggled with severe depression and suicidal thoughts for more than 35 years and how I was finally healed by Jesus Christ when I became a born again believer in him.
New single : "Clickbait"